Herbs can be spread despite the absence of lesions visible to the naked eye?
Yes. Because viral infections will move as soon as sexual contact with an infected person herpes. And may become infected with the absence of any external symptoms of the disease, where studies have shown that approximately 80% of cases of genital herpes occur without any noticeable symptoms of the disease. May indicate the results of blood tests for persons who do not remember if you have been injured genital herpes or not to antibody-positive for Herbs and therefore can spread the virus even without having any symptoms. Eating antiviral drugs reduces the secretion of the virus as well as the transmission of the disease.Other serious effects of Herbs:
Eye infections: herpes infection of the eye may lead to herpes infection of the cornea and the attendant pain, light sensitivity, and secretions and if an infected person is subject to treatment immediately it may evolve to a scar in the eye. Fortunately, there are many drugs available that eliminate the infection and prevent severe scarring of the cornea.
Infection during pregnancy: It may infect pregnant women suffering from genital herpes to her baby during birth phase, because it passes through the birth canal. If the mother has from Alhiebers infection during the initial stage of birth the fetus may suffer serious damage. So should women who suffer from genital herpes or complain Basapthen during pregnancy they should consult their doctors for the work necessary to protect the child.
Pregnant women should avoid sexual contact with a partner infected with genital herpes, and especially in the last stages of pregnancy, or they must use condoms routinely.
Can a newborn baby be infected with another type of herpes is genital herpes through active blisters on the lips or hands of the mother or anyone else to deal with the child directly. So must the family and friends infected with herpes simplex away from a newborn child so he does not get it either.
Herpes disease becomes serious illness if infected cancer patients, or patients with AIDS, or those who have undergone organ transplants, or any chronic illness or impossible because their immune systems are low.
Can you treat herpes?
Although there is no cure for herpes – because of a permanent presence in neurons after injury – but the medicine to reach many of the treatments that limit the spread of the disease. And still ongoing research to develop new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of this disease.
How herpes disease spread?
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