الثلاثاء، 9 أغسطس 2011


Also Known As: Uadjet, Wazit, Ua Zit, Wadjit, Wedjet

Responsible For

  • Justice
  • Time
  • Heaven & Hell

Totemic Form


About Her Cult

Cult Center: Dep (Buto, in the Nile Delta)

Wadjet figured prominently in the coronation ceremony and in the underworld, where she endowed justice and truth and destroyed the enemies of the deceased. Wadjet was the goddess of the fifth hour of the fifth day of the moon.

An oracle operated in the goddess' name in the temple Per-Wadjet.



As her sister Nekhebet was the motherly protectress of the Pharoah, so Wadjet was his aggressive defender. When Isis was hiding in the swamps with her baby Horus, Wadjet came to help her protect him.

Uadjet's sister was Nekhebet, and together the two were known as the Nebti. They appeared together in art to represent the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Wedjet and Nekhbet

Name in Hieroglyphics

Wadjet's name was written using the symbol of a cobra. Sometimes the cobra would be sitting on the symbol of a basket.


Depicting Wadjet

In art, Wadjet often appeared with her sister Nekhmet, together guarding the Eye of Ra. Nekhmet, as a vulture, wore the white crown of Upper Egypt while Wadjet, as a cobra, wore the red crown of Lower Egypt.

Nekhebet and Wadjet

When depicted by herself, Wadjet usually appeared as a cobra, sometimes winged and crowned, and sometimes as a snake with the face of a woman. She was the Uraeus (cobra-shaped symbol of sovereignty) that appeared on the headdresses of the Egyptian Pharaohs and deities.

If doing a theatrical portrayal of Uadjet, these elements may be useful in building the character:

  • Wear a crown in the fashion of the red crown of Lower Egypt.
  • Move with a sinuous, snake-like quality.
  • Wear a cobra mask.

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